Hi, I’m Alex

Welcome to my personal website, which serves as a hub for my ongoing and previous research within the field of Atmospheric Sciences.

As a Ph.D. candidate at the University at Albany, I am currently working under the guidance of Dr. Lance Bosart. My primary research area is the variability and extratropical transition of eastern North Pacific tropical cyclones. Additionally, I have a broad interest in synoptic-scale and tropical intraseasonal variability.

My goal is to complete my dissertation by Spring 2025 and secure a post-doctoral position where I can continue my research. Specifically, I hope to improve the prediction of synoptic-scale phenomena and extreme weather on subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) timescales.


Ph.D. candidate (expected Spring 2025), Atmospheric Sciences
Master’s of Science (2022) Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany, SUNY
Bachelors of Science (2018) Meteorology, North Carolina State University